Chichen Itza and the descent of the Feathered Serpent
By: Ana María Alcocer
Legend has it that the Mayan priests gathered all the people in the Chichen Itzá esplanade and to be filled with power, they were shown as "Kukulkan", the deity better known as "The feathered serpent", would go down through the pyramid to speak to them.
The visual phenomenon that people contemplate, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful expressions of nature that mark generation after generation until today.
Yucatan is one of the states of the Mexican Republic where the Mayans predominated, in this state besides having Pueblos Mágicos (Magic Towns) and beautiful cenotes of crystalline waters, there are also regions where the ancient Mayans resided and in these happened impressive events and Chichén Itzá is the ideal place where every March 21st thousands of people gather to witness the spring equinox, but mainly, to see Kukulkán descend from the skies.
Located just 115 km east of the city of Mérida and 185 km from Cancún, Chichén Itzá is one of the main archaeological sites of the State of Yucatan and the Pyramid of Kukulkan is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. For that reason and more it's recommended to visit this place!
Every March 21st, thousands of people gather in the esplanade of the Pyramid of Kukulkan, where at approximately 3:45 pm the sun casts its rays, causing little by little, to form a kind of triangular shadows on the 9 platforms laterals of the same, which "descend" to the pyramidal base with the movement of the sun, giving shape to the great feathered serpent.
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The visual effect is something magical and worthy of appreciation; people stand up and cheer to nature, extending both arms and wearing white clothes to fill with energy, just as the Mayan priests did in the past.
But before enjoying this amazing show, you can not miss other attractions that you can enjoy at Chichen Itza such as:
The ball game
The Astronomical Observatory (The snail)
The Sacred Cenote
The Temple of the Warriors.
If you want to know this amazing place, contact our Sol-Ha Agency, who have special packages for this special occasion. Write to:
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