From Japan to the world
Being one of the most representative dishes of Japan, sushi has great popularity around the globe, however, Did you know the true origin of this food is in China?

Chineses discovered a method to keep fresh fish, which consisted of fermenting it by placing salt and several layers of rice, this method was called narezushi. At that time, only the fish was consumed and the rice was thrown away.
When this method reaches Japan around the 8th century AD, they prefer to consume fish and rice together, becoming a cooking method called Seiseizushi.
This way of cooking fish with rice was innovated in the nineteenth century by Matsumoto Yoshiichi adding one more ingredient: vinegar. In addition, this meal could be accompanied with vegetables or other canned foods.
In a short time began to use the way to wrap sushi in nori seaweed, being this the first antecedent of the classic sushi that we know until today.

Facts about Sushi:
It's the fast food of the 21st century beating hamburgers!
More than 61,000 restaurants around the world include this dish in their menus.
Japanese thinks that the fish loses its taste due to the soy sauce.
You can eat it with your hands! This is the way which it was formerly consumed.
When you start to consume it we recommend doing it first for the fish with lighter flavors to conclude with the strongest flavors, so you will enjoy it better.
The sushi varieties with avocado were implemented in the United States and Brazil as well as those that have outside rice like the "California Roll".
Any time is the perfect time to enjoy it!
In Hoteles Solaris de México we love Sushi!
That's why in each of our Cancun hotels you can enjoy this delicious oriental delicacy.
So take note, below we present our recommendations when you are staying in Solaris!

If on this vacation you are staying at Royal Solaris or GR Caribe in Cancun, we invite you to enjoy this meal in "LA PALAPITA: SUSHI BAR".
In this place we have variety of Sushi which you can enjoy every day from 12pm to 6pm. You have to try them!
Here we have the perfect place to try and enjoy your favorite sushi:

Zai is our oriental restaurant, which combines a delicious variety of Asian cuisine. Where you can enjoy Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese food.
And on this International Sushi Day you can taste the sushi of your choice in our Sushi bar, from traditional with seaweed to the most delicious fruit rolls.

This restaurant is open twice a week from 5.30pm until 9:30 pm. It is necessary to make a reservation, which is done in the Marco Polo restaurant.
Also, don't miss our special sushi bar to celebrate this great day, which will be located in the Gacebo by the pool.

With so much to enjoy this day!
Wouldn't you love to spend an amazing vacations?