Join the cause!

Did you know that in Mexico, childhood cancer is the second cause of death in children and that a large percentage do not have any type of Social Security? This is worrying because cancer is an expensive disease that causes considerable expenses in the family of patients and puts in risk afforing this life-saving treatment.
So foundations such as Banco de Tapitas AC that emerged in 2015 as a movement of Mexican youth, students and professionals from different universities, do a great job to support children and young people suffering from this disease, through the collection of plastic caps, which are taken to Collection Centers and from there to plastic injection companies (recyclers) with whom they have agreements, all the economic resources obtained are used to support children and young people with cancer.
Learn the story of Banco de Tapitas A.C

At Hoteles Solaris de Mexico we are committed to supporting social causes that contribute to our community.
It is for this reason that for more than two years we have been responsible for collecting plastic caps and donating them to the Civil Association Banco de Tapitas so that they are delivered and used as a future economic resource for treatments for children with Cancer as mentioned.
We invite you to join this cause by bringing your plastic caps and leaving them with our Front Desk team. Your support is very important.

Join in!
Banco de Tapitas
Hoteles Solaris de México