Traveling with our grandparents
By: Mariel Díaz
Travel is to experiment, it is the opportunity to know new things, to give meaning to a place with memories that we live; and there is nothing better than to share it with someone else. We always think of traveling with friends, our partner or our family, but traveling with the grandparents is a whole new concept of adventure.
The grandparents are an example of life, the basis of a family because they are the reason of our existence , actually, it is said that we inherited a lot of grandparents more than our parents, They give us special affection, they teach us stories as great storytellers and many reinvent themselves with their grandchildren, sometimes as if they were their own parents. So if you want to travel with those who have taught us much of life, we recommend the following things:

First we must know our mission, what kind of trip do we want for ourselves and them? It could be touring a place that has meant a lot to them and so relive their best moments while you create yours.
You could also choose a destination where they have never been and give that emotion of feeling alive again, that despite so many years lived, you can still surprise them with a thousand things that the world has to offer us.
After knowing what we want, it is very important to think about comfort, think about relaxation, good food and what type of food is more appropriate, the climate and the amenities that a place offers us. Some may be thirsty for adventure but it is always important to find a time to rest ... and charge the batteries for more adventure!

It doesn't matter if it is a long trip, if you have to take a plane, trains, buses, boats or just a simple taxi. We must remember that much of the trip is made by us and the energy we bring. Do not forget to take photos!
Enjoy your trip with your grandparents!

Tip Solaris: Remember that in our hotels we have the best facilities, specialized food and the best: a great service that will make you feel at home.
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