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Wrap them up with what you have!

By: Glenda Gutiérrez

There is no need for a special reason to help others. In Mexico, if something can move many hands, is the simple act of being solidarity. It is important to remember that the solidarity means understanding, availability of time, collaboration and also to get involved and share with others.

With this thought and feeling, Hotels Solaris of Mexico decided to create the altruistic program "Whap them up, with what you have" which invites our staff and guests to donate a clothes in good condition or new, so those can be taken to marginalized communities in the region.

But it's not only about donating clothes, for Christmas or for the Wise Men Day we also make a collect of toys, to bring smiles to the children. Like that, we can make many children to live a happy holidays.

During the rest of the year, staff of our hotels, in cooperation with international or local associations, takes this donations to the regions with the greatest need from Cancun and Los Cabos.

You may want to know why? Because in Hotels Solaris of Mexico we firmly believe that we are all family; and the family is always supports.

So, if you are next to visiting some of the Solaris Hotels in Cancún or Los Cabos and you have clothes or toys in good condition, do not hesitate to bring them. Help us to improve the life of someone who needs it!


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