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Whale ahoy!

By: Aline Rivas

As every year, since the month of November, we received on the beaches of Baja California Sur, a large number of whales, who have taken advantage of their visit to conceive their baby whales before their trip back to the north.

This magnificent natural event is repeated year after year and miles of visitors from all over the world can come to experience it and live a unique and unforgettable experience.

The visit of these great marine animals is between the month of November and mid-April, so if you gonna visit the destination of Los Cabos between these dates you should plan your visit to one of our ports and admire the beauty of the largest cetaceans in the ocean.

In our travel agency Sol-Ha we can provide you with all the information about the special tours to visit the beaches of Los Cabos and at the same time appreciate closer to the most famous whale watching in the world.

Book now at Royal Solaris Los Cabos and live the best vacation of your life with us!

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