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Mexico and the richness of its folklore

By: Mariel Díaz

Visiting Mexico is an experience full of flavors, sounds, stories and wonderful images; all this is part of what we know as folklore in a country.

Dance and music are the best known forms of folklore in Mexico, so striking, that with dance we have been recognized around the world, but definitely the day of folklore is much more.

Folklore refers to crafts, dances, jokes, customs, clothing, stories, legends, music, proverbs, cymbals and so on, common to a particular population, including the traditions of that culture.

It is what gives meaning to a population, and is considered today as a branch of Social Sciences; being William Thoms the first to define and award a term to these studies in August, 1846, based on the words Folk and Lore.

When you are in Mexico and you know its people, when you travel around and enjoy the food and art, it is when you know the soul of this beautiful country, when you get to know their folklore. It is the result of the past and all its epochs, all that has made us the Mexicans we are and how we live. The indigenous, Spanish and mestizo ancestry, and all the languages ​​spoken in Mexico that gave way to an identity full of colors.

In 1960, UNESCO designated the 22 of August of each year as "World Folklore Day" and in this way we celebrated an identity that as a 100% Mexican company we are proud to belong.

¡Visit Mexico, Visit Solaris!

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